Charity Selection and Nomination


Charity Selection How it Works

  • A charity nomination may be submitted by any member, at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
  • The charity will be reviewed to ensure that they qualify. (CRA registered, project requested is directed to the Cowichan Valley).
  • Qualified charities will be put in a ‘draw bucket’
  • Meetings, held quarterly, will be 1.0 hours with a 60 minute social and then the meeting. Start time will be 18:00pm
  • Three charities will be chosen from the ‘bucket’. The nominating member or his designate, of each charity, will talk at our subsequent men who care meeting and will then give a 5 minute presentation followed by a 5 minutes of questions.
  • Members, attending the meeting, will then vote for one of the three charities. (Members not attending the meeting will not have a vote).
  • A ballot will be provided with your name tag
  • The charity with the majority of votes will be given the donation. The other two charities will be put back in the ‘bucket’ for later consideration
  • Cheques will be filled out in the name of the charity chosen and handed in with your name tag.
    • Cheques from members not attending will also be handed in at this time
  • Members will receive a tax receipt from the charity chosen

TO NOMINATE A CHARITY CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW or request the nomination form from

By Clicking on this link you can download the Charity Nomination, Fill it out and email it to

Download Presentation Notes:  Presentation Notes and talking points