Charity Selection How it Works
- A charity nomination may be submitted by any member, at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
- The charity will be reviewed to ensure that they qualify. (CRA registered, project requested is directed to the Cowichan Valley).
- Qualified charities will be put in a ‘draw bucket’
- Meetings, held quarterly, will be 1.0 hours with a 60 minute social and then the meeting. Start time will be 18:00pm
- Three charities will be chosen from the ‘bucket’. The nominating member or his designate, of each charity, will talk at our subsequent men who care meeting and will then give a 5 minute presentation followed by a 5 minutes of questions.
- Members, attending the meeting, will then vote for one of the three charities. (Members not attending the meeting will not have a vote).
- A ballot will be provided with your name tag
- The charity with the majority of votes will be given the donation. The other two charities will be put back in the ‘bucket’ for later consideration
- Cheques will be filled out in the name of the charity chosen and handed in with your name tag.
- Cheques from members not attending will also be handed in at this time
- Members will receive a tax receipt from the charity chosen
TO NOMINATE A CHARITY CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW or request the nomination form from
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