
Total Donated to Date 26-10-2024:        $312,105.00 + ?????

Three charities are randomly selected,  the members who nominated the   Charities will each make a 5 minute presentations to the group. Members in attendance then vote for their first choice. The top vote-getter receives 100% of the total funding and the other two charities return to the draw bucket. The total amount granted is based on the number of members who pay $100 for that event.

29. Meeting: December 02, 2024 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club

28. Meeting: September 09, 2024 @ Nexus Systems

Ita Wegman Association – Glenora Farm  – $10, 925

Ita Wegman Association – Glenora Farm

About Glenora Farm
The Ita Wegman Association operates Glenora Farm, a biodynamic farm, located south of Duncan on Vancouver Island. We are a life-sharing community, where adults with developmental disabilities (Companions) live, work and learn together with Coworkers (Employees/ Partially Paid Workers/ Day Volunteers/ Practicum Students).

We are a member of the International Camphill movement and of the Camphill Association of North America, and one of two Camphill Communities in Western Canada.

Cultural, artistic and therapeutic experiences are provided through residential home support and day program activities.

Our primary objective is to allow the potential in each Companion to unfold and to be in harmonious relationship with the environment.

Mission Statement
It is our common endeavour to create an environment in which those who are in need of special care, and those who provide it, can relate to each other as individuals rather than as professionals and clients. Thus we make room for creativity and personal fulfillment in the context of each person’s privacy and spiritual freedom. In the way we live together, in the way we care for the land and in the things we create, we intend to uphold the ideals of Camphill, in which each contributes what they are able to, and receives in turn what they need.

Glenora Farm
4766 Waters Road
Duncan, B.C. V9L 6S9

Phone: (250) 715-1559
Fax: 250-715-1971

27. Meeting: June 06, 2024 @ Pacific Homes

Take a Hike Foundation  – $11,310

Take A Hike Foundation Cowichan

Take a Hike is an innovative education program engaging vulnerable youth through a unique combination of academics, land-based learning, clinical counselling, and community. In March 2020, our first program in Cowichan opened its doors to youth and their families in the Cowichan Valley School District.
The Take a Hike Cowichan program serves the needs of up to twenty vulnerable youth in grades 10 to 12.

 Please phone the CVOLC Main Office
(available September – June)

26. Meeting: March 03, 2024 @ Cowichan Woodwork.

Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society  – $11,590

Cowichan Family Caregivers Support 

Welcome to the Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society, dedicated to improving the quality of life of caregivers.  It’s our mission to acknowledge, appreciate and support people in their caregiving role, to alleviate stress, and to advocate for the rights of caregivers.

135 Third Street, Duncan, BC, V9L 1R9/Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society /


25a. Meeting: December 04, 2023 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club – Xtra Consideration

 STUFF THE TRUCK CAMPAIGN(Cowichan Basket Society)– $4,105

25b. Meeting: December 04, 2023
 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club
Cowichan Hospice Society  $9,800

Mission;- We are a dedicated, compassionate, client-centered team collaborating to offer accessible, high quality, end-of-life care that meets the physical, spiritual, emotional, and social needs of our clients in a respectful and caring environment.

24. Meeting: September 11,  2023 @ Blue Grouse Estate Winery

Cowichan Women Against Violence– $10,100


CWAVS provides client-centred safety, shelter, counselling, advocacy, and education that supports individual, family, and community well-being.


Ready to take the next step? We can help. Call or email our office to be connected to a service that suits your needs.

(250) 748 7000

23. Meeting: June 05,  2023 @ Unsworth Winery

Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Cowichan Valley$10,000


Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cowichan Valley
217 – 80 Station St.
Duncan, BC, V9L 1M4

Big Brothers Big Sisters Cowichan Valley

Many children and youth in Canada struggle with societal barriers and face adversities in their lives like detrimental living conditions, family violence, risk factors for mental health, school issues and identity challenges.

These circumstances have nothing to do with the value of who they are or who they can become, but because of these situations, children and youth risk not having the opportunity to live up to their full potential.

Even worse is the possibility of continuing cycles of poverty and crime or developing mental health issues.

This comes at a cost to the young person, and to society.

With the guidance and support of a mentor, these risks can be reduced or even avoided, and youth are reminded they can be anything they dream of being.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada is a Federation comprised of 108 member agencies servicing more than 1,100 communities across the country. Together we mobilize over 21,300 volunteers who in turn mentor 41,700+ children and young people. That works out to nearly:


Each Big Brother Big Sister agency provides direct service to children by matching volunteers and youths in quality mentoring relationships. Our agency staff members are experts at screening volunteers and matching them with a mentee having similar interests.

The national organization provides services and programs to our member agencies to assist them with their work with parents, mentees, and volunteers. Ranging from staff training workshops to our leading Child Safety Program, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada works diligently to ensure we have superior quality programming in all parts of the country.

22. Meeting: March 06, 2023 @ Red Arrow Brewery

 Cowichan Basket Society$10,000

Cowichan Valley Basket Society

About the Cowichan Valley Basket Society

We are a non-denominational group run by a volunteer Board of Directors.

Some board members are appointed by our sustaining donors, and the rest are simply caring members of the community that have become members of the society.

The Basket was started in 1988 by a broadly based group of Cowichan Valley residents who saw a great need for a coordinated answer to hunger in the area.

The first premises was opened on Evans Street.

5810 Garden St, Duncan, BC V9L 3V9
Tel: 250-746-1566
Fax: 778-422-3566

21. Meeting: December 06, 2022
 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club

Cowichan Green Community $10,725

Our Vision

We envision a food secure Cowichan nourished by celebrating our connection to food, to our environment, and to each other. Cowichan Green Community cultivates resilient, inclusive and healthy local food systems and vibrant social fabric. Our Mission is to cultivate food, community, and resilience. Our food security projects include the creation of food policy documents such as the Cowichan Food Charter and the Cowichan Food Security Plan, projects like reFRESH Food RecoveryFruitSave – a fruit gleaning project- and community gardens. We also run educational programs like our KinPark Kids, and organize Seedy Saturdays to promote the role of ecological agriculture in the local community.

Our Mission

Help us deliver meals and smiles. We don’t make miracles.  Weonly make them happen.

Cowinchan Green Community Society Logo

20. Meeting: September 13, 2022 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club

Clements Centre Society $9,700

The CCS Mission and Vision:

Our Vision

The Clements Centre Society envisions a community in which all individuals are included, valued and celebrated.

Our Mission

We assist children and youth with developmental needs and adults with developmental disabilities to reach their full potential. We do this by providing a comprehensive range of services for individuals and the families who care for them.

Our Values

  • All people have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
  • All people should have access to needed services that achieve optimal outcomes.
  • All people are entitled to live and participate as full citizens in the community of their choice, with the same rights, obligations and responsibilities as other citizens.
  • All people must have their personal autonomy protected, with every effort made to nurture and enhance self-determination.

19. Meeting: June 07, 2022
@ Brentwood school

Easter Seal Camp Shawnigan Lake– $10,310

Why Summer Camp

Most children are enthralled by the prospect of summer camping and do not feel compelled to inquire as to why they should go to a camp.

They might desire to join a summer camp because colleagues or relatives are going, or they might just like to join a particular summer camp since it provides a program or specialty that they really are interested in. Nevertheless, the campers’ own statements may give the most convincing evidence that summer camp is a fantastic idea.

Children are exposed to a variety of cultures and beliefs at a camp. Relationships developed with and contact with children from somewhere outside their immediate neighborhood – possibly even outside of their nation – is one of several development chances provided by summer camps.

If you’re looking for a scenic, waterfront experience for your next retreat, Camp Shawnigan has it all. We’re located in the southern region of Vancouver Island, in the Cowichan Valley, right on the shores of Shawnigan Lake. Our facility is available for rent from September through July, and with endless options of lodging, dining and activities, we’ll work with you to fully customize an amazing experience.

18. Meeting: March 07, 2022 @ Arbutus Ridge

CMS FoodBank Society$10,925

CMS Food Bank Serving Cobble Hill, Mill Bay and Shawnigan Lake

The CMS Food Bank is a registered non-profit society since 1983. We have served the Cobble Hill – Mill Bay – Shawnigan Lake community for over 30 years. Every year we provide food and necessities to the needy.

Last year, with the help of our 46 steadfast volunteers, we served over 4000 people, sadly 40% of whom are children.


Phone: 250.743.5242 , Email:

Our Vision:The Food Bank was started by a collaboration of churches in the basement of the Catholic church. Different denominations of Christians got together to lend a helping hand to their poverty stricken neighbours.These churches continue to play a key role in the operation of the Food Bank. One of our board members has been there since the first day.Our food bank is always looking for donations. Donations of canned goods, dry goods, & fresh produce are always welcome.

17. Meeting: December 07, 2021 @ Arbutus Ridge

Cowichan Independent Living
 – $10,770

Phone: 250 746 3930
Address: 531 Canada Avenue, Duncan, B.C., V9L 1T8
Directions: Beside Coffee on the Moon
Accessibility: Ground floor location with plenty of street parking in the area.

Monday – Friday
9:00am – 4:00pm


Our website is designed to provide you with new information and activities of our organization. The site can also be your spot for get the latest news and events that promote and serve the community.

Other benefits include:

  • Details of our products and services for the Cowichan Valley
  • Security for our patients and caregivers when they try to contact us

16. Meeting: September 07, 2021

Nourish Cowichan Society
– $11,000

Nourish Cowichan Society:



Our community is blessed with an abundance of locally grown and harvested food, it’s hard to imagine that we have the highest rate of child poverty on Vancouver Island, a staggering 30%. This is the second highest in British Columbia. And many of the children affected by this are going to school hungry.

With our dedicated group of volunteers, board and donors we are determined to fight child hunger and ensure that every child is given the same opportunities to learn and succeed by providing nutritious food so they may reach their full potential.

‘Child poverty is a complicated issue, feeding a child is not.’


​That every child is given the same opportunities to learn and succeed, by combating hunger with nutritious, locally produced food.  Join us and  pledge to fight child hunger in our community.

Nourish Cowichan is a society that provides nutritious school-based breakfasts to the children of the Cowichan Valley, thereby helping them reach their full potential.

15. Meeting: June 08, 2021 @ YOUR HOME

RCMSAR34 Marine Rescue Society  – $11,500

 Website:- RCMSAR Station 34

About Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Station 34

RCM-SAR Station 34 promotes boating safety and provides year-round marine search and rescue services to commercial mariners, recreational boaters and the general public. Our volunteer members are a dedicated group of men and women who provide their time and energy to provide a valuable public service. We train extensively in specialized search and rescue techniques to maintain a level of professionalism that is expected by the communities we serve and partner agencies such as the Canadian Coast Guard, Land Search and Rescue, RCMP, and Ambulance Services.

Mailing Address:
Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Station 34, PO Box 62, Mill Bay, British Columbia, V0R 2P0

Email Us: ,

14. Meeting: March 01, 2021 @ YOUR HOME

Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society  – $11,150

Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society

Welcome to the Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society, dedicated to improving the quality of life of caregivers.  It’s our mission to acknowledge, appreciate and support people in their caregiving role, to alleviate stress, and to advocate for the rights of caregivers.

843 Tzouhalem Road, Duncan BC, V9L 5L6 /Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society / 250-597-0886,

13. Meeting: December 07, 2020 @ YOUR HOME

Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association

Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association  – $11,100

Cowichan Valley Therapeutic Riding Association

About the Cowichan Valley Therapeutic Riding Association

The Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association provides therapeutic riding and equine-based wellness programs for persons with special needs.

Services include therapeutic riding, therapeutic horsemanship, para-equestrian sport, adapted equestrian vaulting, and stable management vocational development interventions as well as horse camps for children of all abilities.

CTRA serves as a hub of inclusion and catalyst for human potential, enriching the lives of countless individuals and supporting key social determinants of health in our community.

843 Tzouhalem Road, Duncan BC, V9L 5L6 / / 250-746-1028

12. Meeting: September 08, 2020 @ YOUR HOME

Cowichan Valley Basket Society – $10,800

Cowichan Valley Basket Society

About the Cowichan Valley Basket Society

We are a non-denominational group run by a volunteer Board of Directors.

Some board members are appointed by our sustaining donors, and the rest are simply caring members of the community that have become members of the society.

The Basket was started in 1988 by a broadly based group of Cowichan Valley residents who saw a great need for a coordinated answer to hunger in the area.

The first premises was opened on Evans Street.

5810 Garden St, Duncan, BC V9L 3V9
Tel: 250-746-1566
Fax: 778-422-3566

11. Meeting:
June 02, 2020


Cowichan Family Life Association $11,100

About:- Cowichan Family Life grew out of a grassroots movement driven by concerned and caring people, who believed counselling services should be available to everyone and that people like you and I could learn the fundamental skills to provide quality counselling support.

Mission: We support individuals and families to strengthen relationships and reach their full potential. 

Our vision is a thriving community of strong and happy individuals.

??. Special Request during Covid-19 Period – 02/04/2020

CMS FoodBank Society – $6, 270


The CMS Food Bank is a registered non-profit society since 1983. We have served the Cobble Hill – Mill Bay – Shawnigan Lake community for over 30 years. Every year we provide food and necessities to the needy.

Last year, with the help of our 46 steadfast volunteers, we served over 4000 people, sadly 40% of whom are children.


Phone: 250.743.5242 , Email:

Our Vision:The Food Bank was started by a collaboration of churches in the basement of the Catholic church. Different denominations of Christians got together to lend a helping hand to their poverty stricken neighbours.These churches continue to play a key role in the operation of the Food Bank. One of our board members has been there since the first day.Our food bank is always looking for donations. Donations of canned goods, dry goods, & fresh produce are always welcome.

10. Meeting: March 09, 2020 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club

St Peter Quamichan Footcare – $11,511 

About the St. Peter Quamichan Footcare

The charity is a religious organization affiliated with the Anglican Church of Canada.It provides leadership in worship by holding three weekly services.The parish supports charitable programs with the surrounding community such as the food bank and homeless shelter.In addititon provincial and national chairitable programs are supported through the Diocese and National Church.The Anglican Parish of St. Peter Quamichan provides a monthly clinical foot care program at the local homeless shelter. The program is embraced and welcomed by the community.

9. Meeting: December 02, 2019 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club

Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre – $11,261

Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre

About the Nature Centre

The Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre is an interpretive centre overlooking the Cowichan Estuary, a 400 hectare estuarine ecosystem and internationally designated Important Bird Area (IBA) in the unceded and traditional territory of the Quw’utsun people.  In spite of more than a century of industrial activity, the estuary provides vital habitat for resident and migratory birds, Pacific salmon, shellfish and a diversity of inter-tidal life.


Contact the Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre

Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre
Box 5
Cowichan Bay, BC VOR 1NO CANADA


8. Meeting: September 10, 2019 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club

CMHA Cowichan Valley Branch$10,988

Canadian Mental Health Association Cowichan Valley Branch

Our key values and principles

  • Embracing the voice of people with mental health issues and addictions
  • Promoting inclusion
  • Working collaboratively
  • Influencing the social determinants of health (e.g. housing, justice)
  • Focusing on the mental health needs of all age groups
  • Using evidence to inform our work
  • Being transparent and accountable


Phone: 250-597-1372 , Email:

Our Vision:

The Cowichan Valley Branch strives to promote mentally healthy people in a healthy society.

The primary focus of this organization, are the rights and needs of persons involved in the mental health system.

7. Meeting: June 03, 2019 @ Brentwood College School

CMS FoodBank Society$11,315

CMS Food Bank Serving Cobble Hill, Mill Bay and Shawnigan Lake

The CMS Food Bank is a registered non-profit society since 1983. We have served the Cobble Hill – Mill Bay – Shawnigan Lake community for over 30 years. Every year we provide food and necessities to the needy.

Last year, with the help of our 46 steadfast volunteers, we served over 4000 people, sadly 40% of whom are children.


Phone: 250.743.5242 , Email:

Our Vision:The Food Bank was started by a collaboration of churches in the basement of the Catholic church. Different denominations of Christians got together to lend a helping hand to their poverty stricken neighbours.These churches continue to play a key role in the operation of the Food Bank. One of our board members has been there since the first day.Our food bank is always looking for donations. Donations of canned goods, dry goods, & fresh produce are always welcome.

6. Meeting: March 04, 2019 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club
Clements Centre Society $11,400

The CCS Mission and Vision:

Our Vision

The Clements Centre Society envisions a community in which all individuals are included, valued and celebrated.

Our Mission

We assist children and youth with developmental needs and adults with developmental disabilities to reach their full potential. We do this by providing a comprehensive range of services for individuals and the families who care for them.

Our Values

  • All people have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
  • All people should have access to needed services that achieve optimal outcomes.
  • All people are entitled to live and participate as full citizens in the community of their choice, with the same rights, obligations and responsibilities as other citizens.
  • All people must have their personal autonomy protected, with every effort made to nurture and enhance self-determination.

5. Meeting: November 26, 2018 @ Shawnigan Lake School
Cowichan Valley Performing Arts Foundation $10,850

The CVPAF Mission and Vision:

  • Our Mission is simple … To enrich the lives of Cowichan Valley youth through bursaries and scholarships dedicated to the performing arts.
  • Our Vision to is also clearly defined … To help support children in the Cowichan Valley to pursue their interests in performing arts programs by assisting in removing financial obstacles which may impede their participation in youth-based performing arts programs



4. Meeting: Sept 04, 2018 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club
Cowichan Valley Youth Services Society $9,900

Mission;- We are dedicated to creating and providing opportunities that strengthen the bonds of young people to their families and the community.

3. Meeting: June 05, 2018 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club
Cowichan Hospice Society  $10,500

Mission;- We are a dedicated, compassionate, client-centered team collaborating to offer accessible, high quality, end-of-life care that meets the physical, spiritual, emotional, and social needs of our clients in a respectful and caring environment.

2. Meeting: March 06, 2018 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club
(Roots of Empathy) CCCSA Chemainus Crofton Community Schools Association  – $8,800


Mission;- Roots of Empathy is an international, evidence-based classroom program that has shown significant effect in reducing levels of aggression among schoolchildren by raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy. The program is designed for children ages 5 to 13.  In Canada, the program is delivered in English and French and reaches rural, urban, and remote communities including Indigenous communities.

1. Inaugural Meeting:December 04, 2017 @ Arbutus Ridge Golf Club

Nourish Cowichan Society
– $8,100 + $4,000 work in kind by Cowichan Woodwork Ltd + $400 Unsworth Vineyard.

Nourish Cowichan Society:


Nourish Cowichan is a society that provides nutritious school-based breakfasts to the children of the Cowichan Valley, thereby helping them reach their full potential.